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Comment utiliser le SecondFootball RezBox

The SecondFootball RezBox is ditributed through the official website and is accessible to every user with the "friendly" permission.

Chaque équipe enregistré sur peut gérer un stade.

ATTENTION!! Getting a new RezBox e rezzing it inworld, any existing and working football field will be automatically deactivated! Proceed with care and only if you know what you're doing!!!

Guide étape par étape pour le déploiement du système de jeu

  1. Téléchargez a nouveau Rezbox à partire du website, section "Stadium management" (seulement pour les utilisateurs autorisés). The RezBox will be delivered to the requesting avatar inworld, in just a few second. The avatar requesting the football field Rezbox must have create/rez rights on the land where the stadium will be.

    Cliquez ici pour télécharger le RezBox.

  2. Suppression de l'actuel terrain de football (if it was rezzed by Astolfo Forcella, you can just return his objects on your land)
  3. Wear the land group's TAG
  4. Créez un cube (right click on the ground with your mouse and select "create"); la fenêtre d'édition pour le cube will open
  5. Do not close the edit window until step 10 is complete
  6. Asseyez-vous sur le cube (right click on it then select "sit here")
  7. In the edit window for the cube, change the Z axis (height) value, 5 meters over the football field ground. (example: if you're placing the football field 600 meters high, the Z value must be 605.00)
  8. Drag the RezBox over the cube
  9. Cliquez sur ignore
  10. The football field has been rezzed with a North/South orientation. You can rotate the football field and orientate it East/West (90 degrees) inserting the value 90.00 for the Z field, Rotation section of the edit window. You can use only the values 0.00 (North/South) and 90.00 (East/West) (should you use different values, football balls won't be rezzed).
  11. Ajuster la position de terrain de football déplaçant le RezBox on X-Y-Z axis.
  12. Cliquez sur le RezBox
  13. Cliquez sur Save
  14. Suppression du RezBox peuve offrir une aide sur place pour rezzing et déployer le système de jeu, pour 2500L$. Contacter Tobia Forcella.